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To Keep or Not to Keep: The Dilemma of Removing Metal After Surgery


The decision to keep or remove metal implants after surgery is a complex one that often involves weighing various factors. In this blog post, we'll explore the contrasting approaches between the West and Japan, shed light on the research surrounding metal retention, and delve into the considerations for making an informed decision.

1. Cultural Variances: Metal Removal Practices in the West vs. Japan

In the Western medical landscape, it's not uncommon for surgeons to leave metal implants, such as plates and screws, in place after surgery. On the contrary, in Japan, the prevailing practice is often to remove these implants approximately 12 months post-surgery. Understanding these cultural differences is crucial for individuals faced with the decision.

2. Balancing Trauma vs. Risk of Fracture

One of the primary reasons for leaving metal in the body after surgery in the West is to avoid the additional trauma of a second surgical procedure. However, emerging research challenges this practice, suggesting that the bone may be more prone to fractures if internal fixation is retained. This poses a crucial dilemma — should the patient endure a potential increased risk of fractures or opt for a secondary surgery?

3. Less Invasive, Quicker Recovery

Contrary to the concerns about additional trauma, studies indicate that a secondary surgery to remove metal implants is often less invasive than the initial procedure. The recovery time is typically much quicker, providing a compelling argument for those considering the removal option. Balancing the potential benefits of a less invasive surgery against the risks becomes a key consideration.

4. Personal Clinical Experience: Improved Comfort and Function

Drawing from personal clinical experiences, many individuals report increased comfort and improved range of motion following the removal of plates and screws. While each case is unique, this anecdotal evidence aligns with the notion that the benefits of metal removal extend beyond the avoidance of potential fractures.


The decision to get metal taken out after surgery is multifaceted, involving cultural practices, emerging research, and individual considerations. While the West tends to lean towards leaving the metal in for the sake of avoiding additional trauma, Japan often opts for removal after a specific period. Understanding the potential risks and benefits is crucial for making an informed decision.

As research continues to unfold, and cultural practices evolve, patients faced with this decision should engage in open and thorough discussions with their healthcare providers. Personal experiences, the nature of the initial surgery, and the patient's overall health should all factor into the decision-making process. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve optimal comfort, function, and long-term well-being.


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