In this week’s ‘What does the science say’, we are looking at stretching. Specifically, we will be looking at a 2023 meta-analysis compiling over 77 previous studies into the efficacy of stretching for increasing joint range of motion. The main findings show that consistent stretching over a ≥2 week period can have long lasting benefits to joint ROM. Static stretching and PNF (contract release stretching) have a greater chronic effect than dynamic stretching. There is a strong correlation between stretching intensity and gains versus a weaker correlation between stretching frequency and gains. Finally, females show a greater response to stretching than males. Disclaimer: This specifically refers to joint ROM, there is still some debate around the efficacy of stretching in the context of injury rehab, injury prevention and performance!

#ScienceOfStretching, #StretchingResearch, #JointRangeOfMotion, #StretchingEfficacy, #MetaAnalysis, #StaticStretching, #PNFStretching, #DynamicStretching, #StretchingIntensity, #StretchingFrequency, #FemaleResponse, #ROMBenefits, #StretchingFindings, #StretchingStudy, #StretchingScience, #StretchingBenefits, #StretchingResearch2023, #FlexibilityResearch, #StretchingEffects, #ROMImprovement, #StretchingResults, #EvidenceBasedStretching, #StretchingImpact, #MuscleStretching, #StretchingCorrelation, #StretchingChronicEffect, #JointFlexibility, #StretchingInjuryPrevention, #StretchingPerformance, #StretchingDebate