Just following on from a post that I did last month regarding the relevance of overtraining to different populations where I mentioned that overtraining can be relevant even if you don't consider yourself relatively fit.
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Now another thing to consider is that if you are quite fit and in particular if you are doing a high volume of training at a moderate to high intensity, then the impact training layoffs is likely to be greater.
So if you train 4 to 5 times a week at moderate intensity and then you have three or four weeks off training, then you come back to your training program, the risk of a load induced injury is much greater than someone training twice a week even if you're training history and physical capacity is much higher.
The main reasons people tend to take time away from training are work, holiday and injury. When it comes to work, obviously life can get in the way and limit what we can do in terms of our extracurricular activities. Usually it's possible to make even just a little bit of time to do some maintenance level of training. Often when people are quite serious about their training it's all or nothing and they don't like to alter their program, so instead opt just to take a rest and get back to it when life calms down.
When it comes to vacation, we often don't have the equipment, facilities or training partners that we are used to but it is usually possible to be creative and use what we do have access to, even if that's just bodyweight exercises.
And then when it comes to injury, when we are rehabilitating someone from an injury one of the things we really focus on is having that person do whatever they can to work around the activity and still get a training effect.