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Most people when they present to a physiotherapist or rehab professional do so because they are addressing pain and are looking for a resolution to this pain.
Based on this goal if someone's pain has resolved then it would appear that their goal has been reached and the issue has resolved
Why we see recurrence of some injuries however, comes down to 2 main concerts, 1) people associate tissue damage with pain and 2) people often don't consider the functional demands of their lives and activities
There is not a direct correlation between symptoms and pain so even though someone's pain may have resolved to the point where they can go through activities of daily living without symptoms this doesn't mean that the tissue has completely healed and is capable of tolerating more stressful activities, such as sport or exercise .
Because of this, it is important that even as symptoms start to resolve we look at graded exposure to more stressful tasks, building up activity and intensity gradually to allow the body to adapt and decrease the risk of recurrence
It is also important to consider that the factors behind someone's pain, whether they be biomechanical, psychosocial or lifestyle based, may still be present even after symptoms have resolved and if these are not addressed this also increases the likelihood of the pain coming back.
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